When Used Clothing Turns Into Vintage Clothing

When does used clothing turn into vintage clothing?  Wow, that is a fantastic question.  Why thank you, it was my question…
Vintage clothing is essentially a generic term for new or second hand garments originating from a previous era.  When I say second hand garments, obviously I mean “used” clothing (or clothing worn by someone else).  In my opinion, used clothing becomes vintage fashion only after the clothing is so old that it is referenced to historically.  In some cases, this may happen rather quickly.  In other cases, it may take a long time.  For example, Victorian fashion is clearly vintage.  Victorian fashion is from the very far distant past.  An example, of a more recent example of vintage fashion would be fashion from the 1970’s.  Some vintage fashion boutiques may sell “vintage” bell bottom jeans from the 70’s.  Are parachute pants from the 1980’s and early 1990’s vintage?  Well, if they are vintage, hopefully they do not become “popular” vintage apparel.
The word vintage is way more chic and trendy then saying “used clothing”.  Many people are comfortable spending a large sum of money on vintage fashion.  However, they would not be caught dead wearing or buying someone else’s used clothing.  Well, when they are not buying replica previous era clothing, they are in fact buying clothes that have most likely been worn buy others.  Sure it is possible to find previous era clothing that has not yet been worn by others, but my guess is that would be a rather rare find (depending on which time period of fashion you are wearing).
If you are looking to buy vintage fashion, you may want to try the vintage fashion stores.
If you are looking to buy used clothing, you may want to try used clothing retailers.
Here is another question for you.  Where to vintage fashion stores buy the clothing to put in their stores?  Well, I think they have several different resources.  One primary source may be from the vintage clothing wholesalers.  The stores may also hunt through thrift stores, used clothing resources, estate sales, etc.  The vintage boutiques can also contact used clothing wholesalers to see if they have product that would be appropriate for a vintage boutique.
Learn more about other fashion eras (see what others have worn in the past).
Hopefully these fashion history links will help you learn about fashion from the past.  This may help you understand vintage fashion from today.
Are some fashionistas OK with buying vintage fashion, but the same fashionistas not OK with wearing used clothing?  Maybe we should discuss this question at the vintage fashion group on FIN.
You may want to get another take on this subject from the Vintage Fashion – Why It’s Not Just Old Clothes blog post from Paula on the Fashion Industry Network.
Well, I am not sure if this blog post actually answered the question of when does used clothing turn into vintage clothing?  Anyway, hopefully the post helped in some way.

About Clothing Industry Guide

Work in the fashion industry and develop fashion websites. My primary fashion website is called Apparel Search and can be viewed at www.ApparelSearch.com My second largest site is the Fashion Industry Network which you can view at www.FashionIndustryNetwork.com
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